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Strada Argentina 25, Sector 1 Bucharest (Romania)


Phone: 00.40. 724.485.782 



e-mail: info@vincixfuturo.com; vincixfuturo@gmail.com ​

Accredited by the Ministry of Education | Ministry of Labor and Social Policies  | Ministry of Romanian Tourism.

Choose to specialize in Romania and

become a European professional


Choose to specialize in Romania and

become a European professional.



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Become a teacher in Romania

What does Vincix Futuro offer to finally obtain the teaching qualification for primary, secondary, and university education schools?


Mainly, we offer highly qualified tutoring in national and EU regulations aimed at obtaining a teaching qualification in Romania and the recognition of the aforementioned title in Italy.


The teaching qualification obtained in Romania entitles you to 60 training credits of 1500 hours, equivalent to the Italian qualification, and is structured in 3 training activities:

-General Education and Special Education

-Teaching of the subjects taught in the competition classes with workshops and pedagogical-teaching laboratories


What our offer includes:


-Procedure for the recognition of the Italian degree to the corresponding Romanian title (including Ministerial fees, the translation of all documents, notary authentication, and whatever else is necessary);


-Romanian course: no attendance requirement, online lessons, duration two months;


-language exam and the corresponding C1 certificate (including fees), required for enrollment in the MIUR (the language certification is issued by us as an accredited entity by the Romanian Ministry of Education)

- Enrollment in the University Master's Degree, Psychopedagogical Module (120 CFU/ECTS), with no attendance requirement, online lessons, prepared by our teachers lasting eight months (title also valid for teaching in high schools and universities);


-Bilingual assistance and logistics;


-On-site tutoring service provided by tutors of Italian and Romanian nationality who will accompany the course participants throughout the entire training process;


-Assistance in finding suitable logistical accommodation near the Romanian University. The costs of food, accommodation, and travel are covered by the participant;


-training to be carried out in Romania, through a regular contract signed with a Romanian University accredited by the Ministry of Education (otherwise it would not be validated by the MIUR);


-Procedure for accrediting teaching qualification in Romania; 




Maximum duration of the journey: 8 total months


presence in Romania: one day at the end of the journey



Internship in Romania: two days at the end of the journey


We will offer you any type of on-site assistance, trying to make your experience in Romania as pleasant as possible.


As reiterated also by the note of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (M.I.U.R) in November 2014, the internship carried out in Italy is not recognized by the Italian ministry.


The teaching qualification obtained abroad, in Romania, entitles to 60 training credits of 1500 hours, equivalent to the Italian qualification, and is structured in 3 training activities:


-General Education and Special Education
-Teaching of subjects taught in the competition classes with laboratories and pedagogical-didactic laboratories
-School Internship

Teaching Qualification in Romania:

Once the qualifying title has been obtained, it is possible to apply for


- participate in teaching in kindergarten;
- participate in teaching in primary school;
- apply for teaching in lower secondary school;
- apply for teaching in upper secondary school or at university level


Duration and costs:


Price: €5,000.00 (five thousand) + VAT (19%), we issue a regular invoice (possibility of customized installment payments),


payments only by bank transfer.



We collaborate with the most important Romanian universities, accredited by the Ministry of Education, and the final exams will be held at the university premises


The teaching qualification course in Romania is organized every year at universities. There are no calls for applications, the course is the same for everyone regardless of the competition classes.



Requirements to access our course:


-be a citizen of the European Union;

-have a Bachelor's degree (even three-year), issued by a European Union country



For all those who do not have at least a three-year degree, we have a dedicated fully online path. Contact us for more information




- Five-year university degree certificate (Diploma) in a copy conforming to the original with the AJA apostille,

- High school diploma (certificate) in certified copy conforming to the original with the AJA apostille,

-Certificate of exams taken at the University in a copy conforming to the original with the AJA apostille,

-Copy of ID card and tax code,

-Birth certificate (multilingual) with the names of the parents indicated,






A-34 - Chemical sciences and technologies;
A-37 - Building sciences and technologies, graphic representation technologies and techniques;
A-45 - Economic and business sciences;
A-08 - Geometric, architectural, furnishing, and scenographic disciplines;
A-46 - Legal and economic sciences;
A-42 - Mechanical sciences and technologies;
A-09 - Graphic, painting, and scenographic disciplines;
A-16 - Artistic technical drawing and dental modeling;
A-17 - Drawing and art history in secondary schools of II degree;
A-48 - Motor and sports sciences in secondary schools of II degree;
A-49 - Motor and sports sciences in primary schools;
A-29 - Music in secondary schools of II degree;
A-30 - Music in primary schools;
A-60 - Technology in primary schools;
A-18 - Philosophy and human sciences;
A-19 - Philosophy and history;
A-20 - Physics;
A-21 - Geography;
A-41 - Computer sciences and technologies;
A-25 - English language and second community language in primary schools;
A-24 - Foreign languages and cultures in secondary schools of II degree;
A-22 - Italian, history, geography in primary schools;
A-26 - Mathematics;
A-47 - Applied mathematical sciences;
A-27 - Mathematics and Physics;
A-12 - Literary disciplines in secondary schools of II degree;
A-11 - Literary disciplines and Latin;
A-31 - Food sciences;
A-28 - Mathematics and sciences;
A-50 - Natural, chemical, and biological sciences;
A-54 - Art history;
A-37 - Building sciences and technologies, graphic representation technologies and techniques;
A-56 - Musical instruments in primary schools;



The qualification obtained in this way is useful for:


- Insert into the first band rankings;
- Participate in the teaching competition;
- Obtain a role transfer to secondary school.



link where foreign recognition decrees are published periodically:


Archive of publication of recognition decrees - Miur





Recognition of the Romanian qualification title:



In accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC, transposed into Italian law by Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 November 2007, it is possible to apply for recognition of the following professions:


-kindergarten teacher;
-primary school teacher;
-lower secondary school teacher;
-upper secondary school teacher;

-support teacher




Recognition can be requested for courses for which the interested party is legally qualified in the country that issued the title, provided that such courses correspond to the Italian education system (corresponding profession).


Regulated training refers to the training that leads to obtaining a title (theoretical-practical, disciplinary, and didactic-pedagogical training) that, according to the regulations of the country where it was obtained or recognized, allows the exercise of the profession as a qualified teaching instructor. The title must therefore attest to a complete professional training, sanctioned by legal forms (final exam, internship, etc.), possession of which is a requirement for exercising the profession as a qualified teaching instructor according to the legislation of the country that issued it.


For the correct recognition of the profession, possession of linguistic knowledge is always required. Article 4 of Directive 36/2005/EC and Article 7 of the corresponding national legislative decree No 206/2007 provide that, for the practice of the profession, beneficiaries of the recognition of professional qualifications must possess the necessary language skills. The necessary linguistic knowledge refers to the knowledge of the language of the host country at a level consistent with the nature of the profession intended to be practiced.

To practice as a teacher, it is essential to have an appropriate knowledge of the Italian language since linguistic skills are an integral part of the profession itself.




Requirements for recognition in Italy:


the interested party must:


-be a citizen of the European Union;

- have a professional training qualification issued by a Member State of the European Union



To whom should the request for recognition of the professional training title of teacher be addressed


For teachers in state nursery, primary, secondary schools, and in artistic institutes (including conservatories, academies of fine arts, and ISIA)

Websites: www.istruzione.it / www.bdp.it/mpi.htm


Vincix Futuro s.r.l Accredited Entity by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Tourism of Romania

​​VAT number: RO37057430



Fill out the form and contact us

Vincix Futuro s.r.l Accredited by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, Romanian Ministry of Tourism

​​VAT number: RO37057430


Registered Office: Strada Argentina 25, Sector 1 Bucharest (Romania)


Phone:  00.40. 724.485.782 



We are also available via whatsapp, viber, or Telegram

email: info@vincixfuturo.com; vincixfuturo@gmail.com ​




